Laptop with the Hugo website on the screen

Designing a digital staffing platform for a people-first world

RGP, a global consulting firm, hired Modus as a design partner to support its vision for a human-centered onboarding and job matching experience. HUGO by RGP continues the company’s tradition of empowering individual job seekers and employers while bringing the unmatched efficiency of smarter and more effective technology into the traditionally analog hiring process.

    laptop with graphs on the screen

    Put the staffing industry in palm of your hand

    Traditional staffing agencies rely on a very analog paper- and personnel-heavy process. Global consulting firm RGP wanted to update this model, building an app that gave users the flexibility to add their information on their own time, while providing company HR departments the ability to find candidates for specific roles using a powerful matching algorithm. 

    At the same time, RGP is a company rooted in personal relationships, so the app needed to feel like it had a heart. Rather than an impersonal piece of software, the goal was to design an environment where job candidates felt as though their long-term career goals and aspirations were being considered and hiring managers had specific pain points addressed.

      Hugo interface on a cellphone

      RGP had the following goals in mind for their digital experience, which Modus helped bring to life:

      • Disrupt and dominate the staffing industry with a transparent, accessible, and faster model
      • Revolutionize how staffing and hopefully consultative services are procured and delivered
      • Help to transform RGP itself over time through adoption of the new digital interaction and workflow 
      • Deliver a digital experience that lives up to the expectations of the target talent pool (especially millennials)
      Graph on "number of completed jobs"

      RGP had the following goals in mind for their digital experience, which Modus helped bring to life:

      • Disrupt and dominate the staffing industry with a transparent, accessible, and faster model
      • Revolutionize how staffing and hopefully consultative services are procured and delivered
      • Help to transform RGP itself over time through adoption of the new digital interaction and workflow 
      • Deliver a digital experience that lives up to the expectations of the target talent pool (especially millennials)
      Laptop and cellphone with the Hugo website

      Meet Hugo by RGP

      The resulting app, HUGO, is a mix of RGP technology and true humanity that shares DNA with RGP's traditional positioning while also moving the company forward in the digital world. HUGO pairs the unmatched efficiency of smarter tech with human support when needed, all backed by the innovation of RGP at a global scale.

      Features include:

      • Great onboarding experience with access to help
      • Simple, intuitive, delightful UX 
      • Frictionless ease of use—no barriers to entry 
      • Seamless, device-agnostic experience 
      • Recognizable brand personality and authentic voice that is distinct but related to RGP 
      • Focus on humanity

      The idea was to empower. For clients, that meant "Right talent + great experience." HUGO uses data, technology, and service so you can easily find the right person for the job, and drive success for your initiatives. 

      For candidates, the process centered around "Experiences that help me thrive," where HUGO matches highly qualified consultants with rewarding jobs, through a platform, process, and workflow that respects them.

      Note: Actual product may vary from images shown here.

        Cellphone and other screens og Hugo interface
        A man on the computer with the Hugo websote on the screen

        Modus helped us invent a product that rocked our industry to the core.

        Steve DelVecchia  /  VP Digital Engagement  /  RGP

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