NAF KnoPro site on three phone screens

Empowering the next generation

NAF (formerly, National Academy Foundation) is a nonprofit leader in helping U.S. students become college-, career-, and future-ready. Modus partnered with NAF to create KnoPro, a free digital platform for high schoolers to participate in work-based learning “challenges” to win prizes while being mentored by real-world professionals and, ultimately, building their skill sets. This work led to the opportunity for us to re-envision other sites under the NAF umbrella as well.

  • Product Strategy
  • Naming & Logo Design
  • Brand Guidelines
  • Wireframes
  • Interface Design
  • Content Strategy & Copywriting
  • Engineering & QA
NAF KnoPro site on a laptop
KnoPro interface on 3 mobile screens
Innovation by Design Honoree

Fast Company

NAF KnoPro logo on a hat and a KnoPro Challenge Listing Page
NAF KnoPro logo on a sweatshirt
NAF KnoPro site screens
NAF KnoPro site screens
NAF KnoPro icons
NAF KnoPro site on phone screens
Person using NAF KnoPro site on a laptop
This represents a ton of work and lots of great thinking. We appreciate you ALL so much and are so grateful for all you do. #BestPartners

Lindsey Dixon  /  Assistant VP of Innovation  /  NAF

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